Simply White Oriental Lily Bouquet


Let someone know they are special by sending these beautiful blooms of bright white and cream lilies.

Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. You may notice that some flowers may come closed. This is to make sure that you get the most out of your flowers and that they last for the longest time possible. If you are ordering for a funeral we will try our hardest to use more open flowers to make sure they look great on the day. In the event that any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute with a similar flower in the same shape, style and colour. Stem count, packaging and container may vary.

We highly recommend using our care instructions below, in order for your flowers to last longer.

Caring For your Flowers:

Add water upon delivery to keep your bouquet or arrangement fresh and healthy-looking. Check water levels daily and fill as needed. Oasis arrangements should be soaking wet. Place in a cool, draught-free area, out of direct sunlight.

This number may be used by delivery drivers to ensure successful delivery of orders
Simply enter your gift card message text and we will include it with your arrangement.


Let someone know they are special by sending these beautiful blooms of bright white and cream lilies.

Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. You may notice that some flowers may come closed. This is to make sure that you get the most out of your flowers and that they last for the longest time possible. If you are ordering for a funeral we will try our hardest to use more open flowers to make sure they look great on the day. In the event that any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute with a similar flower in the same shape, style and colour. Stem count, packaging and container may vary.

We highly recommend using our care instructions below, in order for your flowers to last longer.

Caring For your Flowers:

Add water upon delivery to keep your bouquet or arrangement fresh and healthy-looking. Check water levels daily and fill as needed. Oasis arrangements should be soaking wet. Place in a cool, draught-free area, out of direct sunlight.

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